Thursday, 23 October 2014

My Hand investigation

My Reflection:
First we have to make a portrait of our hand.
second we had to make four dots to make a square or rectangle. 
third we had to do you answer to equation.
forth we had to colour it  your square or rectangle.
fifth we had to add it all up.
sixth you have to do a fraction.
I am so proud of myself

The Ipad Problem

my Reflection: 
I had to do an I pad problem. it was tricky to see how many people shared it but I worked it out. so I am so happy to so solve it.

Reflecting on being in the ALiM Maths programme:
I liked helping and working together with a partner to solve problem words.
I enjoyed it. I've learned lots of maths. I am more confident in math.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Super Heroes Unite Problem

My Reflection:
I am so proud because I finished this problem in 1 day I it was so exiting to see and solve this problem this is my favourite problem in the ALiM work. 

The Flash Problem

I am so proud of this work because I have worked out this problem with my partner, Brooke.