Thursday, 26 November 2015

Learning to make a 3-D Collage

My Reflection:

  1. Today Room 25 and I went on a trip to Te Tuhi and we were making a 3-D collage and we had 5 steps to make a 3-D collage after we had finished so we went to art gallery to see what happened in japan in the 2 voice room that is grey and there is an another room that is part of the room all about artists and then we went back to school.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Learning to make Nets

My Reflection: 
I am learning to make nets the first done a cube I have done a good job on this cube and I am so proud now I am going to tell you how I made this cube so this is the first net I have made today.
I had so much fun doing a cube 
  1. Get some shapes or a ruler 
  2. I drawed the cube 
  3. then you get saler tape or a gluestick
  4. then you put it in one whole cube 
  5. there it is it is your own cube