Monday, 14 November 2016

Hightlight of the past 5 weeks

over the last exciting  weeks we have done a lot with our student teacher it was fun to do the activities together. Our student teacher is a calm,peacefully,and noisy teacher and we like that

we have been making biospheres.biospheres are like little doll houses but big but not small we made our own and it came out good we made the biospheres because we said what if the world came uninhabitable and we made them so if the earth was uninhabitable then we can go to mars and make the biosphere there so we can live on.

We have been making planets to go with bio-domes for our planet we made it out of paper mache we had to do 4 layers to make it harden then Mrs G painted them with Michael they looked amazing it was really nice we had to make blurbs for the planets we typed up if we can live on it why or if we cant live on it and why and some reasons.

We have been reading this book called between two ends we liked the book and we like when our student teacher said different ascents for the pirates it is so funny she is nice for us and you if you know her well I do and room 20.

We have been doing swimming for the whole term and it is still going of course we have 2 groups one of the groups are called the non confident squirtles and the confident blastoise   non confident go on Monday and Wednesday  and confident do it on a Tuesday and Thursday we all do it on a Friday we are all learning new things.

we have been doing dance for the Year6 dinner and dance we all did it except for me because I am not allowed because it apart of my religion so I am not going to the dinner and dance only graduation I cant wait for it so they all are practicing with the boys and girls they cant wait.

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